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May the Fourth Be with You! Volunteer & Job Opportunities at BRC!

April literally flew by—and what a month it was!

Like the many birds we released back into the wild, April literally flew by! With Baby Bird Season in full swing, we also held a very successful Second Annual Online Art Auction! And with the easing of COVID restrictions, we are looking forward to welcoming volunteers back to the hospital to care for the thousands of birds who will be passing through the doors in need of care.

What you'll find in this issue:

  • Volunteer Opportunities, Internships, and Paid Positions

  • Baby Season is in full swing

  • Art Auction results have been tallied



This time each year marks the start of the busiest time in our hospital. Between now and the end of August we will admit 2/3 of the total number of birds we will treat all year.

For the past two years we have had to limit volunteer participation due to COVID. This year, we are happy to announce we are once again opening our doors to welcome both new and returning volunteers!



SHIFT VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are the heart and soul of The Bird Rescue Center. This summer, we invite you to help care for thousands of native wild birds.

There is no greater joy than seeing those injured and helpless return to the wild, healthy once again. We promise a rewarding and fulfilling experience—one where you know you are needed and each day see the results of your work. SUMMER INTERNSHIP Summer internships are a great way to gain knowledge and experience.

You'll learn how to properly handle, feed and care for over 120 different species of native wild birds as you assist with diet prep and help our medical team. SO MANY OTHER OPPORTUNITIES From providing a safe haven for songbirds, to mending fences and making other needed repairs, to supplying enrichment materials and being dedicated to dish duty, we have altered many of our volunteer positions to provide ample opportunities and greater variety.


PAID POSITIONS AVAILABLE SEASONAL CLINIC SUPERVISOR Baby Bird Season is underway and we are looking for a Clinic Supervisor to work in our rehab hospital. You will learn to identify and treat wounds and injuries as you hone your interpersonal skills through shift and volunteer management.

If you have ever considered a career in animal care, this position may be for you. You will gain invaluable experience! RAPTOR RELEASE COORDINATOR As our Raptor Release Coordinator, you will play a lead role in caring for our raptor patients. You will assist our medical team, and plan and coordinate the release of these magnificent raptors back to the wild as they embark on their second chance at life!

Imagine the thrill of knowing you played an instrumental role in saving the lives of these amazing creatures so that they, in turn, can do their part in saving our environment.


BABIES EVERYWHERE With Baby Bird Season well underway you may be wondering what kinds of birds we are getting in our hospital. To date, we've had LOTS of ducklings, jays, mockingbirds, finches, towhees, Cooper's Hawks, juncos, herons, Osprey, and owls. Their injuries range from wounds caused by barbed wire entanglement to babies who are healthy but orphaned.


THANKS FOR MAKING OUR ART AUCTION A SUCCESS Our second annual art auction was another huge success thanks to you! With beautiful pieces from local artists, collectors and community members, bidders had great fun trying to out-bid one another and claim their prizes. We are delighted to report we raised close to $15,000! All proceeds will go directly to support our life-saving rescue, rehabilitation and education work.

To each and every participant—the artists who shared their talents, those who placed winning bids and those whose bids didn't win but helped inspire some healthy competition for a good cause, and all who made donations THANK YOU! You made this event a success.




BRC is open 9am to 4pm every day  to receive birds. If you need assistance with a bird, please call before coming in.

PHONE: 707-523-2473


3430 Chanate Road
County Farm Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Click Here for Map

PO Box 475
Santa Rosa, CA 95402

The Bird Rescue Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization | Tax ID 94-2378213

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